How do I request an extension on my assignment?

Where possible, we would strongly encourage you to submit your assignment on time within the documented submission deadlines. The reason for this is that a late submission could impact your progress through the programme. 

We do however understand that sometimes, due to extenuating circumstances, you may need to request an extension on your assignment submission. 

In this instance, contact your success manager at the earliest opportunity to discuss the matter in full. This will ensure we have all information available and are in the best position to support you. If you decide that you do need to apply for an extension, the request must be sent by completing the virtual form here. 

We will communicate with you about any updates within 24 hours of receiving your extension request.

Please note

  • The request must be sent by completing the virtual form here
  • Each case will be reviewed on an individual basis.
  • Confirmation of the extension, if granted, will be communicated via email.
  • A record of extension requests and decisions will be kept for oversight.