What is the employer project?

Following the completion of Courses 1 to 3, you will work collaboratively in teams on a live employer project that is a culmination of the skills acquired throughout the programme.

You will be assigned to project groups towards the end of Course 3 to have time to get to know each other. During Course 3, we will provide you with the project outline so that you can complete any background reading you have to do to develop the necessary skills.

  • The project will be open-ended (no single correct answer) and require a synthesis of the methods and techniques you acquire in Courses 1 to 3. It will be based on a genuine employer need or interest.

The initial project specification provided will include:

  • resources needed
  • prerequisite skills required
  • a rubric for assessment, including an indication of the minimum, average, and advanced attainment.

Each group will work on their project throughout Course 4. We expect you to take a staged approach to developing the project. This will entail creating a:

  • project outline and plan, including specifications and methods, with the division of responsibilities between the team members
  • project logbook, including documenting how you are tracking to plan, insights discovered, and questions you have identified to answer as a minimum
  • first draft project submission
  • final project submission.

Each team will receive formative feedback at each stage, except for the final submission. The team project is assessed as a combination of:

  • Final project submission and presentation from the team. Each team member is assigned the same mark.
  • Team performance review. 
  • Individual reflective document. For the reflective document, you should indicate your effort and skills acquired during the project, along with an assessment of the contributions from other team members.
Note: Grading weightings are confirmed in the project grading rubric.